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Why I chose RSBAC?

I read an article in linux magazin. I bought a linux-magazin this contained a cd with adamantix.

Through this I have learned a lot and still be learning. Thanks to all people which have helped me a lot. Mainly on the irc chanel rsbac on freenode.

Which module are in use?

I will go from the “easy” module to “more complicated” module.

So always use this:

  • PAX (if it patched into the kernel)
  • RES
  • FF
  • CAP
  • AUTH
  • JAIL
  • ACL
  • RC


When the module above are running fine than is time to think about using UM module.

wiki/experiences/igraltist/introduction.txt · Last modified: 2012/08/18 10:42 by

wiki/experiences/igraltist/introduction.txt · Last modified: 2012/08/18 10:42 by
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