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Git/Latestdiff: 1.5.6

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RSBAC source code, can be unstable sometimes

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4 Hits, Last modified:
Dazuko implementation of RSBAC. You will have to create it, if you do not have it. //Note: The following... r Linux distribution, you might be able to simply create the dazuko device the standard way, as it will be... evices 250 dazuko <= Major number is 250 </code> Create the device (with major number 250): <code> # mkno... . Security Officer :) (1): <code> # attr_set_user secoff daz_role 1 </code> ===== Running, testing, trou
3 Hits, Last modified:
clock | |SYS_TTY_CONFIG | Config ttys | |MKNOD | Create device special files | |LEASE | Take leases in fi... o add a DAC_READ_SEARCH and KILL capabilities for secoff, so that this user can browse the complete filesystem: attr_set_user CAP secoff min_caps DAC_READ_SEARCH KILL \\ ---- **Table o

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