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There are many, many different acronyms in projects such as RSBAC. This page lists the most important ones, directly or not directly related to RSBAC

Note that you often have acronyms underlined in the website. By moving your mouse cursor over them, you can get a direct description.

Acronym Meaning Description
RSBACRule Set Based Access ControlFree open source access control solution :)
REGRegistration FacilityAllows easy registration of new modules/plug-ins for RSBAC.
AEFAccess control Enforcement FacilityRSBAC's part of the framework enforcing the access control decision. (allow, deny, etc.)
ADFAccess control Decision FacilityRSBAC's part of the framework deciding about every access, includes all decision modules.
SOSecurity OfficerSometimes secoff, the user usually taking care of the security attributes.
DACDiscretionary Access ControlUsually default Linux's access control, leave the access right control at the discretion of the user.
ACIAccess Control InformationTarget related meta data like attributes and other meta data like role definitions.
ACCAccess Control ContextDecision relevant context data from the kernel environment.
ACEAccess Control EntryAttribute storing the ACI.
Acronym Meaning Description
AUTHAuthenticated UserControls user authentification, user id changes.
UMUser ManagementIn kernel user management. Replaces traditional shadow-based passwords.
RCRole CompatibilityPut subjects into roles, with access to only certain types. Very powerfull.
ACLAccess Control ListLists of simple access control information rights, per subject.
MACMandatory Access Control (Bell-LaPadula)Enforces access contol per immutable security level.
PAXProtection Against eXecution, or PAge ExecVarious memory protections, NX emulation, address space randomisation.
DAZDazukoAntivirus interface for RSBAC, using Dazuko.
CAPLinux CapabilitiesControl Linux's Posix Capabilities implementation (net raw, dac override, etc.).
JAILJail:)Confines subjects into an hermetic jail, like an improved chroot.
RESResourcesControl Linux's resource limits (CPU time per user, etc.).
FFFile FlagsSimple attribute flags per file/directory.
PMPrivacy ModuleTakes care of user's privacy, and private data.
documentation/acronyms.txt · Last modified: 2006/05/02 13:40 by

documentation/acronyms.txt · Last modified: 2006/05/02 13:40 by
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