
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /************************************ */
00002 /* Rule Set Based Access Control      */
00003 /* Author and (c) 1999-2005: Amon Ott */
00004 /* API:                               */
00005 /* Functions for Access               */
00006 /* Control Information / DAZ          */
00007 /* Last modified: 18/Jan/2005         */
00008 /************************************ */
00010 #ifndef __RSBAC_DAZ_H
00011 #define __RSBAC_DAZ_H
00013 #include <rsbac/types.h>
00015 /* Get ttl for new cache items in seconds */
00016 /* This function returns 0, if no cache is available, and the ttl value
00017    otherwise */
00018 rsbac_time_t rsbac_daz_get_ttl(void);
00020 /* Set ttl for new cache items in seconds */
00021 /* ttl must be positive, values bigger than 10 years in seconds
00022    (RSBAC_LIST_MAX_AGE_LIMIT in lists.h) are reduced to this limit */
00023 void rsbac_daz_set_ttl(rsbac_time_t ttl);
00025 /* Flush DAZuko cache lists */
00026 int rsbac_daz_flush_cache(void);
00027 #endif

Generated on Fri Jun 17 09:45:18 2005 for RSBAC by  doxygen 1.4.2