This site contain the patches which are need if PAX was applied to the rsbac-kernel-source.

Get RSBAC source

If a rsbac patch for the current kernel version is not available, then you can use the git repository to obtain the linux source with already included rsbac-patches.

Visit this site git-rsbac for more details.

The follow command lead to the same result too. This is an example only.

git clone my-dir-name
cd my-dir-name
git checkout -b rsbac-1.4-2.6.33 origin/rsbac-1.4-2.6.33

Then you have to change to new directory.

cd my-dir-name

Then you can apply the pax patch now.

patch -p1 < ../pax-patch-for-this-kernel-version | tee pax_log

After this small rejects are left over and this patches listet fix this. To apply them use

patch -p1 <  ../rsbac-pax-patch-which-was-downloaded-befor | tee fix_pax_log

Then you can both create logfiles examine to find errors.

grep FAIL pax_log
grep FAIL fix_pax_log