Thurday, 12/Oct/2006
RSBAC 1.3.0 has been released for both kernels and 2.6.18. You can also try it with the latest RSBAC Live CD.
Improvements over the 1.2.x series:
Speed and scalability:
Automatic online resizing of per-list hash table to reduce access time for large attribute lists significantly.
Limit number of items per single list to 50000, so real limit is at 50000 * nr_hashes.
Optimize cases in decision modules.
Change network templates to handle up to 25 ip networks and up to 10 port ranges.
Change aci, acl and auth devices lists to use RCU on 2.6 kernels.
More control:
Optionally check CHANGE_OWNER for PROCESS targets also as CHANGE_OWNER on the new USER. This allows fine grained setuid control also in RC and
ACL models.
Change named UNIX sockets to be new filesystem target type T_UNIXSOCK and unnamed to be new IPC type anonunix (like FIFO target for pipes).
RC role def_unixsock_create_type, which overrides the def_(ind_)fd_create_type. Default value use_def_fd.
UM password history with configurable length to avoid password reuse.
New request type AUTHENTICATE against USER targets. No authentication against RSBAC UM without this right in RC and
JAIL Module:
More detailed JAIL decision logging for IPC and UNIXSOCK targets with rsbac_debug_adf_jail.
allow_parent_ipc to allow IPC into parent jail. Useful with Apache mod_rsbac and others.
add a flag to allow suid/sgid files and dirs.
Other improvements:
Dazuko udev support.
Hide dir entries a process has no SEARCH right for.
Complete hook review with several small fixes.
Add rsbac_get_switch(value_p, switchable) that returns the module's status (on or off) and switchable status (can turn off, back on, ..).
Added similar output to the proc information (/proc/rsbac-info/active).