Access Control Decision Facility (ADF)

The ADF is split into two parts:

  1. The main part, doing the general work
  2. The modules, called by the first part

First part: General work

For the main part of the ADF, there are several tasks to accomplish:

Second part: Modules

The second part are the decision modules themselves (rule sets), which are computing the actual decisions, by checking their own rules against the data.

The modules also have to update their attributes accordingly during the notification call.

The decision modules themselves are free to do whatever necessary, to find a decision or to maintain their state variables through attributes in the data structures component. They only have to provide the specified request decision, notification and overwrite decision interfaces, and protect their private attributes against illegal access.

Table of Contents: RSBAC Handbook
Previous: Access Enforcement Facility (AEF)
Next: Data Structures Component (ACI & ACC)