===== Python bindings example =====
Thoses are example of making python bindings for RSBAC, with just a sample binding.
NOTE: there is a more complex pyrex version in SVN
Copy all and ''make'' :)
file: rsbac.c
union rsbac_attribute_value_t value;
enum rsbac_switch_target_t module;
enum rsbac_target_t target;
enum rsbac_attribute_t attr;
char * progname;
char * target_n;
rsbac_list_ta_number_t ta_number = 0;
rsbac_version_t version=RSBAC_VERSION_NR;
/* AUTH module
* caps
* may_setcaps
* may_setuid
* learn
/* TODO static PyObject *
py_auth_caps(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
const char *path;
const int *pvalue;
struct rsbac_auth_cap_range_t cap_range;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "si", &path, &pvalue))
return NULL;
reply = rsbac_auth_add_f_cap(0, path, ACT_real, cap_range, 0);
static PyObject *
py_auth_may_set_cap(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
const char *path;
const int *pvalue;
int reply = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "si", &path, &pvalue))
return NULL;
value.auth_may_set_cap = (int)pvalue;
reply = rsbac_set_attr_n(0, AUTH, T_FD, (char*)path, A_auth_may_set_cap, &pvalue);
return Py_BuildValue("i", reply);
static PyObject *
py_auth_may_setuid(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
const char *path;
const int *pvalue;
int reply = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "si", &path, &pvalue))
return NULL;
value.auth_may_setuid = (int) pvalue;
reply = rsbac_set_attr_n(0, AUTH, T_FD, (char*) path, A_auth_may_setuid, &value);
return Py_BuildValue("i", reply);
static PyObject *
py_auth_learn(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
const char *path;
const int *pvalue;
int reply = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "si", &path, &pvalue))
return NULL;
value.auth_learn = (int) pvalue;
reply = rsbac_set_attr_n(0, AUTH, T_FD, (char*) path, A_auth_learn, &value);
return Py_BuildValue("i", reply);
static PyMethodDef RSBACMethods[] = {
{ "auth_may_set_cap", py_auth_may_set_cap, METH_VARARGS, "Allow AUTH to set caps on FD\n" },
{ "auth_may_setuid", py_auth_may_setuid, METH_VARARGS, "Allow AUTH setuid on FD\n" },
{ "auth_learn", py_auth_learn, METH_VARARGS, "Allow AUTH learning on FD\n" },
(void) Py_InitModule("rsbac", RSBACMethods);
file: setup.py
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
module1 = Extension('rsbac',
include_dirs = ['/usr/src/linux/include'],
libraries = ['rsbac'],
sources = ['rsbac.c'])
setup (name = 'RSBAC',
version = '1.0',
description = 'RSBAC API for python',
ext_modules = [module1])
file: Makefile
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
rm -r build
file: test.py
import rsbac
import sys
print "Ok, what file to operate on ?"
print "(^D validates)"
path = sys.stdin.read()
path = path.replace('\n', '')
print path+": 1 or 0 to enable/disable may setuid"
attrval = sys.stdin.read()
attrval = attrval.replace('\n', '')
rsbac.attr_set_fd(path, int(attrval))