== GIT organisation == //Wednesday, 23/February/2011// The GIT repository management has been changed. This is the new layout: ^^^ | [[http://git.rsbac.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=linux-2.6-next.git;a=summary|linux-2.6-next.git]] | //Follows Linus's linux-2.6.git and includes RSBAC **unstable**// | | [[http://git.rsbac.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=linux-2.6.git;a=summary|linux-2.6.git]] | //Follows Linus's linux-2.6.git and includes RSBAC stable// | | [[http://git.rsbac.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=linux-2.6.35.y.git;a=summary|linux-2.6.35.y.git]] | //Follows the Long Term Support branch for 2.6.35 and includes RSBAC stable// | | [[http://git.rsbac.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=linux-2.6.32.y.git;a=summary|linux-2.6.32.y.git]] | //Follows the Long Term Support branch for 2.6.32 and includes RSBAC stable// | | | | | [[http://git.rsbac.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=linux-2.6-old.git;a=summary|linux-2.6-old.git]] | //For reference purpose only, this repository is read-only and should not be used// | \\ We might eventually add more LTS((Long Term Support)) branches as kernel.org adds them, of course. Please note that we have [[:documentation:dev:scm:git|some documentation]] on how to use these GIT repositories (for developers and users alike), in case you have questions.