== RSBAC 1.4.4 == //Thurday, 22/April/2010// [[:download|RSBAC 1.4.4]] has been released for the kernel We have recently converted all the RSBAC project to use GIT as main version control system (instead of SVN+SVK). This make things more simple as the upstream kernel is also managed by GIT. The SVN depots are still available, but not up to date and will not be updated anymore. Please use the [[http://git.rsbac.org|GitWeb interface]] to view the project progress, commit, source code, or download snapshots of the versions in development (see the sidebar) Most Important changes since 1.4.3: * pam_rsbac: check old password before asking for new one * Fix RC check for CREATE right on new objects. * Backport rsbac_read_open() and rsbac_read_close() fixes from 1.5. * Cleanup the release process * And of course, many small bug fixes The complete lists of changes are available here: * [[http://www.rsbac.org/dl.php?file=code/1.4.4/changes-1.4.4.txt|changes-1.4.4.txt]] * [[http://www.rsbac.org/dl.php?file=code/1.4.4/admin-changes-1.4.4.txt|admin-changes-1.4.4.txt]]