== Patches, mod_rsbac updates, forum == //Tuesday, 16/June/2009// [[:download|RSBAC 1.4.2]] kernel patches have been updated to support the latest kernel, 2.6.30. [[http://svn.rsbac.org/?do=browse&project=rsbac-apache&path=%2Fmod_rsbac%2F|mod_rsbac SVN]] has also been updated, fixing a long standing race condition (albeit not a security issue), that could be triggered when an Apache worker would serve many files in a short amount of time. mod_rsbac is used in production on [[http://www.rsbac.org|rsbac.org]] and several other web servers. Finally, we're happy to announce that we now have a dedicated [[http://forum.rsbac.org|forum]] which you're welcome to use for discussion and questions. Remember that we also have a mailing-list and and irc channel (See: the [[:contact|contact]] page). //Thanks to [[http://pauldrobertson.imagekind.com/|Paul D. Robertson]] for setting up and managing the RSBAC forum.//