== RSBAC 1.4.0-rc3 == //Monday, 10/November/2008// [[:download|RSBAC 1.4.0-rc3]] has been released for kernels 2.4.36 and 2.6.27. ([[http://www.rsbac.org/pipermail/rsbac-announce/2008-November/000016.html|Full announcement]]) * New interception review * Splitted 2.4 and 2.6 common code * Automount support converted for vfsmount usage * Long username support in VUM * Many bugs fixed Please note that we plan to release this last candidate as 1.4.0, so please test it as much as possible, thanks! You can get it [[http://www.rsbac.org/dl.php?file=pre/rsbac-1.4.0-rc3|at the usual location.]]