== 1.3.3 released == //Thursday, 10/May/2007// [[@download|RSBAC 1.3.3]] has been released for both kernels and * Many fixes, as usual * FD cache xstats output looks nicer and uses 64 bit counters to avoid wrapping * More debugging output in the UM module * Libtool and installation of language files fixes in admin tools * The sysrq key 'w' is gone! it is not possible trigger the wake-up anymore through the sysrq key. Not a big change since it wasn't really used. See the [[http://download.rsbac.org/code/1.3.3/changes-1.3.3.txt|kernel change log]] and [[http://download.rsbac.org/code/1.3.3/admin-changes-1.3.3.txt|tools change log]] for more informations.