===== Random Tips ===== ==== Want to know -on the fly- if the softmode has been enabled ? ==== Simple with bash: PROMPT_COMMAND='cat /proc/rsbac-info/active|grep SOFTMODE > /dev/null \ && mode=$(echo -e "\e[31;01m") \ || mode=$(echo -e "\e[34;01m")' PS1='\[\033[32;01m\]\u@$mode\h\[\033[0;m\]:\w\$ ' This prompt will show your hostname in red whenever softmode is enabled, in blue otherwise. ==== When you edit files with vim, you're losing your RSBAC attributes ? ==== Vim has the bad habit to unlink and recreate files you are editing by default. Thus, the files are changing inode (their filesystem identifier) which RSBAC uses to track them. With vim, you can disable this behavior by disabling the creation of backup files: Add these lines to your ''/etc/vim/vimrc'' or ''/home/youself/.vimrc'' set nobackup set nowritebackup set noswapfile \\ ---- **Table of Contents:** [[documentation:rsbac_handbook|RSBAC Handbook]]\\ **Back:** [[documentation:rsbac_handbook:configuration_basics:administration_examples|Administration Examples]]\\